{% extends 'base.html.twig' %} {% import "invoice/actions.html.twig" as actions %} {% import "macros/widgets.html.twig" as widgets %} {% block page_title %}{{ 'label.invoice_renderer'|trans({}, 'invoice-renderer') }}{% endblock %} {% block page_actions %}{{ actions.invoice_upload('index') }}{% endblock %} {% block main %} {% if can_upload and form is not null %} {% form_theme form '@AdminLTE/layout/form-theme-horizontal.html.twig' %} {% set formOptions = { 'title': 'upload'|trans, 'form': form, 'back': false, 'reset': false } %} {% embed 'default/_form.html.twig' with formOptions %} {% block form_body %} {{ form_row(form.document) }} {{ form_widget(form) }} {% endblock %} {% endembed %} {% elseif upload_error is not null %} {{ widgets.callout('warning', upload_error|trans(error_replacer)) }} {% endif %} {% if documents|length > 0 %} {% embed '@AdminLTE/Widgets/box-widget.html.twig' with {'documents': documents} %} {% import "invoice/actions.html.twig" as actions %} {% import "macros/widgets.html.twig" as widgets %} {% block box_title %}{{ 'label.invoice_renderer'|trans({}, 'invoice-renderer') }}{% endblock %} {% block box_attributes %} id="invoice_document_list" {% endblock %} {% block box_body_class %}no-padding{% endblock %} {% block box_body %} {% for config in documents %} {% set document = config.document %} {% endfor %}
{{ 'file'|trans }} {{ 'updated_at'|trans }} {{ 'label.template'|trans }}
{{ document.name }} {{ document.lastChange|date }} {% if config.template is not null %} {{ config.template.name }} {% endif %} {% if not config.used %} {{ actions.invoice_document(document, 'index') }} {% endif %}
{% endblock %} {% endembed %} {% endif %} {% endblock %}