{% macro icon(icon) %} {% endmacro %} {%- macro page_actions(tools) -%} {%- endmacro -%} {%- macro entity_actions(tools) -%} {%- endmacro -%} {% macro page_header(title) %} {% endmacro %} {% macro label_boolean(visible) %} {% if visible %} {{ _self.label('yes'|trans, 'success') }} {% else %} {{ _self.label('no'|trans, 'default') }} {% endif %} {% endmacro %} {% macro label_visible(visible) %} {{ _self.label_boolean(visible) }} {% endmacro %} {% macro label_role(role) %} {% set color = 'primary' %} {% if role == 'ROLE_SUPER_ADMIN' %} {% set color = 'danger' %} {% elseif role == 'ROLE_ADMIN' %} {% set color = 'warning' %} {% elseif role == 'ROLE_TEAMLEAD' %} {% set color = 'success' %} {% elseif role == 'ROLE_USER' %} {% set color = 'gray' %} {% endif %} {{ _self.label(role|trans, color) }} {% endmacro %} {% macro username(user) %} {{- user.displayName -}} {% endmacro %} {% macro label_user(user) %} {{ _self.label_color(user.displayName, user.color|colorize(user.displayName)) }} {% endmacro %} {% macro label_team(team) %} {{ _self.label_color(team.name, team.color|colorize(team.name)) }} {% endmacro %} {% macro user_avatar(user, tooltip, class) %} {% if user.avatar is not empty and kimai_config.themeAllowAvatarUrls %} {% set avatar = asset(user.avatar, 'avatars') %} {% if tooltip is same as (false) %} {{ user.displayName }} {% else %} {{ user.displayName }} {% endif %} {% else %} {% set color = user.color|colorize(user.displayName) %} {{ user.initials }} {% endif %} {% endmacro %} {# options = {'inherit': true, 'random': false} #} {% macro label_activity(activity, options) %} {% set inherit = options.inherit ?? true %} {% set random = options.random ?? false %} {% set isVisible = activity.visible %} {% set color = activity.color %} {% if color is empty and inherit and activity.project is not null %} {% set color = activity.project.color ?? activity.project.customer.color %} {% endif %} {% if color is empty and random %} {% set color = color|colorize(activity.name) %} {% endif %} {% if isVisible and not activity.project is null %} {% set isVisible = activity.project.visible %} {% if isVisible and not activity.project.customer is null %} {% set isVisible = activity.project.customer.visible %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {{ _self.label_color_dot('activity', isVisible, activity.name, null, color) }} {% endmacro %} {# options = {'inherit': true, 'random': false} #} {% macro label_project(project, options) %} {% set inherit = options.inherit ?? true %} {% set random = options.random ?? false %} {% set isVisible = false %} {% if project.visible and project.customer.visible %} {% set isVisible = true %} {% endif %} {% set color = project.color %} {% if color is empty and inherit %} {% set color = project.customer.color %} {% endif %} {% if color is empty and random %} {% set color = color|colorize(project.name) %} {% endif %} {{ _self.label_color_dot('project', isVisible, project.name, null, color) }} {% endmacro %} {# options = {'random': false} #} {% macro label_customer(customer, options) %} {% set random = options.random ?? false %} {% set color = customer.color %} {% if color is empty and random %} {% set color = color|colorize(customer.name) %} {% endif %} {{ _self.label_color_dot('customer', customer.visible, customer.name, null, color) }} {% endmacro %} {# Use for list views and the main column (if the entity has something like a name) #} {% macro label_name(label, color, isVisible) %} {{ _self.label_color_dot('color', isVisible, label, null, color) }} {% endmacro %} {# Use in datatables to show linked entity names #} {% macro label_dot(label, color, isVisible) %} {{ _self.label_color_dot('color', isVisible, label, null, color|colorize(label)) }} {% endmacro %} {# for @internal use only #} {% macro label_color_dot(type, isVisible, name, url, color) %} {% apply spaceless %} {%- if url is not empty -%} {{ name }} {%- else -%} {{ name }} {%- endif -%} {% endapply %} {% endmacro %} {% macro color_dot(color, tooltip) %} {% endmacro %} {% macro badge_team_access(teams) %} {% if teams|length > 0 %} {{ _self.badge_counter(teams|length) }} {% else %} {{ _self.badge_counter(0, null, 'bg-gray') }} {% endif %} {% endmacro %} {% macro badge_counter(count, url, type) %} {% if url %} {{ count }} {% else %} {{ count }} {% endif %} {% endmacro %} {% macro label(title, type, tooltip) %} {{ title }} {% endmacro %} {% macro label_color(title, color) %} {{ title }} {% endmacro %} {% macro badge(title, color) %} {{ title }} {% endmacro %} {% macro alert(type, description, title, icon) %}
{% if title and icon %}

{{ title|trans }}

{{ description|trans }} {% elseif icon %} {{ description|trans }} {% else %} {{ description|trans }} {% endif %}
{% endmacro %} {% macro callout(type, description, title, icon) %}
{% if title %}

{% if icon %}{% endif %} {{ title|trans }}

{% endif %}

{{ description|trans }}

{% endmacro %} {% macro info_box_progress(title, description, amount, percentage, icon, color) %}
{{ title|trans }} {{ amount }}
{{ description }}
{% endmacro %} {% macro button_group_dropdown(title, actions) %}
{% endmacro %} {% macro table_actions(actions, class) %} {% if actions|length >= 1 %} {% if class is null %} {% set class = 'btn-sm' %} {% endif %} {% set trash = null %} {% set divider = false %} {% endif %} {% endmacro %} {% macro list_group_actions(actions, highlightUrl) %} {% if actions|length > 0 %}
{% for icon, values in actions %} {% if 'divider' in icon and values is null %}
{# #} {% else %} {% if values is not iterable %} {% set values = {'url': values} %} {% endif %} {% if values['children'] is defined %} {{ _self.list_group_actions(values['children'], highlightUrl) }} {% else %} {% if values['title'] is not defined %} {% set values = values|merge({'title': icon|trans({}, 'actions')}) %} {% endif %} {% set class = 'list-group-item' %} {% if highlightUrl == values.url %} {% set class = class ~ ' active' %} {% endif %} {% set values = values|merge({'class': class}) %} {{ _self.action_button(icon, values, false) }} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
{% endif %} {% endmacro %} {% macro action_button(icon, values, type) %} {%- apply spaceless -%} {% set id = null %} {% set onclick = null %} {% set modal = null %} {% set toggle = null %} {% set url = null %} {% set target = null %} {% set title = null %} {% set disabled = false %} {% set attr = {} %} {% set label = null %} {% set accesskey = null %} {% set translation_domain = 'messages' %} {% if type is same as (false) %} {% set class = "" %} {% elseif type is null %} {% set class = "btn btn-default btn-" ~ icon ~ " " %} {% else %} {% set class = "btn btn-" ~ type ~ " btn-" ~ icon ~ " " %} {% endif %} {% if values is not iterable %} {% deprecated 'Passing a non iterable action_button is deprecated since 1.15 and will be removed with 2.0' %} {% set url = values %} {% if 'onclick:' in url %} {% set onclick = url|replace({'onclick:': ''}) %} {% set url = '#' %} {% endif %} {% if '#collapse' in url %} {% set toggle = 'collapse' %} {% endif %} {% if '#modal' in url %} {% set modal = url %} {% set url = '#' %} {% endif %} {% else %} {% set icon = values.icon ?? icon %} {% set disabled = values.disabled ?? false %} {% set url = values.url ?? '#' %} {% set onclick = values.onclick ?? null %} {% set modal = values.modal ?? null %} {% set toggle = values.toggle ?? null %} {% set target = values.target ?? null %} {% set id = values.id ?? null %} {% set title = values.title ?? null %} {% set class = class ~ ( values.class | default("")) %} {% set attr = values.attr ?? {} %} {% set label = values.label ?? null %} {% set translation_domain = values.translation_domain ?? translation_domain %} {% set accesskey = values.accesskey ?? null %} {% endif %} {% if disabled is same as (true) %} {% set class = class ~ " disabled" %} {% endif %} {% if title is not null %}{{ title|trans({}, translation_domain) }}{% else %}{{ _self.icon(icon) }}{% endif %}{% if label is not null %}{{ label }}{% endif %} {% endapply %} {% endmacro %} {% macro button_group(actions, type) %}
{%- apply spaceless -%} {%- for icon,values in actions %} {% if 'divider' in icon and values is null %} {# what to do here ? #} {% else %} {% if values.children is defined %}
{% else %} {{ _self.action_button(icon, values, type) }} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endfor -%} {% endapply %}
{% endmacro %} {% macro button_action(icon, url) %} {{ _self.icon(icon) }} {% endmacro %} {% macro tag_list(taglist) %} {% for tag in taglist %} {{ _self.badge(tag.name, tag.color|colorize(tag.name)) }} {% endfor %} {% endmacro %} {% macro form_type_value(type, value, entity) %} {% if '\\ColorPickerType' in type %} {{ _self.color_dot(value, value) }} {% elseif '\\DurationType' in type %} {{ value|duration }} {% elseif '\\YesNoType' in type or '\\CheckBoxType' in type %} {{ _self.label_boolean(value) }} {% elseif '\\DatePickerType' in type %} {{ value|date_short }} {% elseif '\\DateTimePickerType' in type %} {{ value|date_full }} {% elseif '\\CountryType' in type %} {{ value|country }} {% elseif '\\CurrencyType' in type %} {{ value|currency }} {% elseif '\\LanguageType' in type %} {{ value|language }} {% elseif '\\MoneyType' in type %} {% set classname = class_name(entity) %} {% if entity is null %} {{ value }} {% elseif classname == 'App\\Entity\\Timesheet' %} {{ value|money(entity.project.customer.currency) }} {% elseif classname == 'App\\Entity\\Customer' %} {{ value|money(entity.currency) }} {% elseif classname == 'App\\Entity\\Project' %} {{ value|money(entity.customer.currency) }} {% elseif classname == 'App\\Entity\\Activity' and entity.project is not null %} {{ value|money(entity.project.customer.currency) }} {% else %} {{ value }} {% endif %} {% elseif '\\TextareaType' in type %} {{ value|nl2br }} {% elseif '\\EmailType' in type %} {{ value }} {% elseif '\\UrlType' in type %} {{ value }} {% else %} {{ value }} {% endif %} {% endmacro %} {% macro team_list(teams, showTitle, collapseAt) %} {% set collapseAt = collapseAt ?? 12 %} {% if showTitle is null %} {% set showTitle = true %} {% endif %} {% if showTitle %} {% endif %} {% for team in teams|sort((a, b) => a.name <=> b.name) %} {% set members = team.members|filter(m => m.user.enabled) %} {% set userTeamCount = members|length %} {% endfor %}
{{ 'label.team'|trans }} {{ 'label.user'|trans }}
{{ _self.label_color_dot('color', true, team.name, null, team.color|colorize(team.name)) }} {% set teamHiddenId = 'team_' ~ team.id ~ '_hiddenUser' ~ random() %} {% set counter = 0 %} {% for member in members|sort((a, b) => b.teamlead <=> a.teamlead) %} {% set user = member.user %} {% if member.teamlead %} {{ _self.user_avatar(user, ('label.teamlead'|trans ~ ': ' ~ user.displayName), 'teamlead') }} {% else %} {{ _self.user_avatar(user) }} {% endif %} {% set counter = counter + 1 %} {% if userTeamCount > (collapseAt + 1) and counter == (collapseAt - 1) and loop.index != userTeamCount %} {{ 'label.plus_more'|trans({'%count%': (userTeamCount - collapseAt)}) }} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
{% endmacro %} {% macro nothing_found(events) %} {{ _self.callout('warning', 'error.no_entries_found') }} {% if events is not empty %} {% endif %} {% endmacro %} {# To be used like this: #} {% macro class_customer_row(customer, now) %} {%- if not customer.visible %}warning{% endif -%} {% endmacro %} {# To be used like this: #} {% macro customer_row_attr(customer, now) %} {%- set class = _self.class_customer_row(customer, now) %} {% set dataHref = '' %} {% if is_granted('view', customer) %} {% set class = class ~ ' alternative-link open-edit' %} {% set dataHref = path('customer_details', {'id': customer.id}) %} {% endif -%} class="{{ class }}" data-href="{{ dataHref }}" {% endmacro %} {# To be used like this: #} {% macro class_project_row(project, now) %} {%- if not project.visible or (project.end is not null and project.end < now) %}warning{% endif -%} {% endmacro %} {# To be used like this: #} {% macro project_row_attr(project, now) %} {%- set class = _self.class_project_row(project, now) %} {% set dataHref = '' %} {% if is_granted('view', project) %} {% set class = class ~ ' alternative-link open-edit' %} {% set dataHref = path('project_details', {'id': project.id}) %} {% endif -%} class="{{ class }}" data-href="{{ dataHref }}" {% endmacro %} {# To be used like this: #} {% macro class_activity_row(activity, now) %} {%- if not activity.visible %}warning{% endif -%} {% endmacro %} {# To be used like this: #} {% macro activity_row_attr(activity, now) %} {%- set class = _self.class_activity_row(activity, now) %} {% set dataHref = '' %} {% if is_granted('view', activity) %} {% set class = class ~ ' alternative-link open-edit' %} {% set dataHref = path('activity_details', {'id': activity.id}) %} {% endif -%} class="{{ class }}" data-href="{{ dataHref }}" {% endmacro %} {# To be used like this: #} {% macro class_user_row(user) %} {%- if not user.enabled %}warning{% endif -%} {% endmacro %} {# To be used like this: #} {% macro user_row_attr(user) %} {%- set class = _self.class_user_row(user) %} {% set dataHref = '' %} {% if is_granted('view', user) %} {% set class = class ~ ' alternative-link open-edit' %} {% set dataHref = path('user_profile', {'username': user.username}) %} {% endif -%} class="{{ class }}" data-href="{{ dataHref }}" {% endmacro %} {# To be used mainly in #} {% macro short_stats_row(stats) %}
{% set colLength = 12 / stats|length %} {% for title, value in stats %}
{{ value }}
{{ title }}
{% endfor %}
{% endmacro %} {% macro percent(maximum, current) %} {% if maximum > 0 %} {{ (current / (maximum / 100))|number_format(2) }} % {% else %} {{ 0|number_format(2) }} % {% endif %} {% endmacro %}