{% extends 'reporting/layout.html.twig' %} {% import "macros/datatables.html.twig" as tables %} {% block report_title %}{{ (title|default('report_project_view'))|trans({}, 'reporting') }}{% endblock %} {% set showMoneyBudget = is_granted('budget_money', 'project') %} {% set showTimeBudget = is_granted('budget_time', 'project') %} {% set showBudgets = showMoneyBudget or showTimeBudget %} {% set availableColumns = { 'name': {'class': 'alwaysVisible'}, } %} {% if showMoneyBudget %} {% set availableColumns = availableColumns|merge({ 'budget': {'class': 'hidden-xs', 'title': 'label.budget'|trans}, 'invoiced': {'class': 'hidden-sm hidden-xs hidden text-center hw-min', 'title': 'label.not_invoiced'|trans, 'columnClass': 'w-min'}, }) %} {% endif %} {% if showTimeBudget %} {% set availableColumns = availableColumns|merge({ 'timeBudget': {'class': 'hidden-xs', 'title': 'label.timeBudget'|trans}, 'exported': {'class': 'hidden-sm hidden-xs hidden text-center hw-min', 'title': 'label.not_exported'|trans, 'columnClass': 'w-min'}, }) %} {% endif %} {% set availableColumns = availableColumns|merge({ 'lastRecord': {'class': 'text-center hw-min', 'title': 'label.last_record'|trans, 'columnClass': 'w-min'}, 'today': {'class': 'hidden hidden-md hidden-sm hidden-xs text-center hw-min', 'title': 'stats.durationToday'|trans}, 'week': {'class': 'hidden hidden-md hidden-sm hidden-xs text-center hw-min', 'title': 'stats.durationWeek'|trans}, 'month': {'class': 'hidden hidden-md hidden-sm hidden-xs text-center hw-min', 'title': 'stats.durationMonth'|trans}, 'durationTotal': {'class': 'text-center hw-min', 'title': 'stats.durationTotal'|trans, 'columnClass': 'w-min'}, 'projectStart': {'class': 'hidden-md hidden-sm hidden-xs hidden text-center w-min', 'title': 'label.project_start'|trans}, 'projectEnd': {'class': 'hidden-md hidden-sm hidden-xs hidden text-center w-min', 'title': 'label.project_end'|trans}, 'comment': {'class': 'hidden-md hidden-sm hidden-xs hidden', 'title': 'label.comment'|trans}, 'actions': {'class': 'actions alwaysVisible'}, }) %} {% set tableName = tableName|default('project_view_reporting') %} {% set skipColumns = skipColumns is defined ? skipColumns : {} %} {% set columns = {} %} {% for name, config in availableColumns %} {% if name not in skipColumns %} {% set columns = columns|merge({(name): config}) %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% block main_before %} {{ tables.data_table_column_modal(tableName, columns) }} {% endblock %} {% block report %} {% set hasData = entries|length > 0 %} {% embed '@AdminLTE/Widgets/box-widget.html.twig' %} {% import "macros/progressbar.html.twig" as progress %} {% import "macros/widgets.html.twig" as widgets %} {% import "macros/datatables.html.twig" as tables %} {% import "project/actions.html.twig" as projectActions %} {% block box_body_class %}{{ tableName }}-box {% if hasData %}no-padding{% endif %}{% endblock %} {% block box_before %} {{ form_start(form, {'attr': {'class': 'form-inline form-reporting', 'id': 'project-view-form'}}) }} {% endblock %} {% block box_after %} {{ form_end(form) }} {% endblock %} {% block box_tools %} {{ widgets.action_button('visibility', {'modal': ('#modal_' ~ tableName), 'class': 'btn-sm'}) }} {% endblock %} {% block box_title %} {% if form.customer is defined %} {{ form_widget(form.customer) }} {% endif %} {% if form.month is defined %} {{ form_widget(form.month) }} {% endif %} {% if form.includeNoBudget is defined or form.includeNoWork is defined %}
{% endif %} {{ form_rest(form) }} {% endblock %} {% block box_body %} {% if not hasData %} {{ widgets.nothing_found() }} {% else %} {{ tables.datatable_header(tableName, columns, null, {'bordered': true, 'boxClass': ''}) }} {% for id, mapping in entries|sort((a, b) => a.customer.name <=> b.customer.name) %} {{ widgets.label_customer(mapping.customer) }} {% for entry in mapping.projects|sort((a, b) => a.project.name <=> b.project.name) %} {% set project = entry.project %} {% set budgetStats = entry.getBudgetStatisticModel() %} {% set currency = project.customer.currency %} {% for name, column_config in columns %} {% if name == 'name' %} {{ widgets.label_project(project) }} {% elseif name == 'lastRecord' %} {% if entry.lastRecord is not null %} {{ entry.lastRecord|date_short }} {% else %} – {% endif %} {% elseif name == 'today' %} {{ entry.durationDay|duration }} {% elseif name == 'week' %} {{ entry.durationWeek|duration }} {% elseif name == 'month' %} {{ entry.durationMonth|duration }} {% elseif name == 'durationTotal' %} {{ entry.durationTotal|duration }} {% elseif name == 'timeBudget' %} {% if budgetStats.hasTimeBudget() and is_granted('time', project) %} {{ progress.progressbar_timebudget(budgetStats) }} {% endif %} {% elseif name == 'budget' %} {% if project.hasBudget() and is_granted('budget', project) %} {{ progress.progressbar_budget(budgetStats, project.customer.currency) }} {% endif %} {% elseif name == 'exported' %} {% if is_granted('create_export') %} {{ entry.notExportedDuration|duration }} {% else %} {{ entry.notExportedDuration|duration }} {% endif %} {% elseif name == 'invoiced' %} {% if is_granted('view_invoice') %} {{ entry.notBilledRate|money(currency) }} {% else %} {{ entry.notBilledRate|money(currency) }} {% endif %} {% elseif name == 'projectStart' %} {% if project.start is not null %}{{ project.start|date_short }}{% endif %} {% elseif name == 'projectEnd' %} {% if project.end is not null %}{{ project.end|date_short }}{% endif %} {% elseif name == 'comment' %} {{ project.comment }} {% elseif name == 'actions' %} {{ projectActions.project(project, 'custom') }} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endfor %} {% endfor %} {{ tables.data_table_footer(entries) }} {% endif %} {% endblock %} {% endembed %} {% endblock %} {% block javascripts %} {{ parent() }} {% endblock %}