{% set type = options.type|default('bar') %} {% set chart_id = options.id %} {% set backgroundColor = kimai_context.chart.background_color %} {% set borderColor = kimai_context.chart.border_color %} {% set gridColor = kimai_context.chart.grid_color %} {% set colors = options.color|default('')|split(';') %} {% if colors.0 is defined and not colors.0 is empty %} {% set backgroundColor = colors.0 %} {% set borderColor = colors.0 %} {% if colors.1 is defined and not colors.1 is empty %} {% set borderColor = colors.1 %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {{ encore_entry_link_tags('chart') }} {{ encore_entry_script_tags('chart') }} {% if not title is empty %}

{{ title|trans }}

{% endif %}